The €1M EU funded CFIS ECOPHARMA project has concluded after two years of Europe wide trials. The project consortium comprised Aqua Enviro, along with a notable array of companies from across Europe. The purpose of the project was to demonstrate new sampling techniques to improve the quality of surface water in Europe and to help remove pharmaceuticals and pesticides, while also adhering to the EU’s required legislations. Valuable data has been collected from site trials in locations from Spain to Scotland to demonstrate the CFIS sampling device which can take time based composite samples of both soluble and particulate compounds, whilst stabilising these compounds for later analysis. This device offers the opportunity to achieve much lower limits of detection than with current methods as well as providing composite data that could reduce the reliance on one-off spot samples. Successful workshops carried out in both the UK and Spain received a great amount of positive feedback from water industry professionals and it is hoped the project findings will help to inform the debate on future consenting options.
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Aqua Enviro Ltd
T: 0113 8730728
c/o Tidal Accounting, HQ Offices, Radley House, Richardshaw Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS28 6LE